Nomor Kode Telepon Area Kota di Portugal (+351)

Informasi Nomor Kode telepon Area Di Kota-Kota Negara Portugal - Republik Portugal (bahasa Portugis: República Portuguesa) merupakan sebuah negara bagian Eropa di wilayah barat daya. Negara ini berbatasan dengan Spanyol di sebelah utara dan sebelah timur, sedangkan di sebelah barat berbatasan dengan Samudra Atlantik. Selain itu, Portugal juga mempunyai daerah di Madeira, Azores dan Kepulauan Selvagens.

Portugal juga termasuk sebagai negara maju, dan termasuk kedalam anggota negara Uni Eropa, bergabung pada tahun 1986. Nomor Kode telepon negara Portugal adalah 351 yang memungkinkan Anda dapat untuk menelepon Portugal dari negara lain. Kode telepon Portugal 351 diputar setelah IDD. Panggilan internasional Portugal 351 diikuti dengan kode area.

Nomor Kode Telepon Area Kota di Portugal

Abrantes +351-241
Angra do Heroísmo +351-295
Arganil +351-235
Aveiro +351-234
Beja +351-284
Braga +351-253
Bragança +351-273
Caldas da Raínha +351-262
Castelo Branco +351-272
Castro Verde +351-286
Chaves +351-276
Coimbra +351-239
Covilhã +351-275
Estremoz +351-268
Évora +351-266
Faro +351-289
Figueira da Foz +351-233
Funchal +351-291
Guarda +351-271
Horta +351-292
Idanha-a-Nova +351-277
Leiria +351-244
Lisboa +351-21
Mealhada +351-231
Mirandela +351-278
Moncorvo +351-279
Moura +351-285
Odemira +351-283
Penafiel +351-255
Peso da Régua +351-254
Pombal +351-236
Ponta Delgada +351-296
Ponte de Sôr +351-242
Portalegre +351-245
Portimão +351-282
Porto +351-22
Proença-a-Nova +351-274
S. João da Madeira +351-256
Santarém +351-243
Santiago do Cacém +351-269
Seia +351-238
Setúbal +351-265
Tavira +351-281
Torres Novas +351-249
Torres Vedras +351-261
V. Franca de Xira +351-263
V. N. de Famalicão +351-252
Valença +351-251
Viana do Castelo +351-258
Vila Real +351-259
Viseu +351-232

Portugal National Fee Deal Codes

Portugal Toll Free+351-180
Portugal Toll Free - Mobile Enabled+351-100
Tabel kode area Portugal di atas ini menunjukkan berbagai kode kota untuk Portugal. Kode negara Portugal diikuti oleh kode area berikut. Dengan kode panggilan Portugal yang lengkap, Anda dapat membuat panggilan internasional Anda.

Nomor Telepon Darurat & Penting (Emergency Call) Portugal

Daftar nomor lokal yang dapat dihubungi jika terjadi keadaan darurat dipasang di tempat-tempat seperti taman bermain anak-anak dan tempat umum lainnya.
National Emergency Services Telephone
Medical emergency (ambulância) 112
Police - (polícia) including Local Police (Guarda Nacional Republicana, GNR) and Security Police (Polícia Segurança Publica, PSP) 112
Fire Rescue
Health line for emergencies available 24/7 808 242 424
Forest Fires 117
Sea Rescue (Centro de Busca e Salvamento Marítimo) Lisbon 214 401 919
Maritime Police (plus pick-up boat service) Lisbon 210 911 100
Pan-European emergency number 112

European SOS 112

Pan-European emergency number: calls to 112 are free from any phone (mobile or cellular or fixed-line). The operator will put you in contact with the emergency service that you require including medical, fire and police. It can be used for any life-threatening situation, including:

  • Serious medical problems (accident, unconscious person, severe injuries, chest pain, seizure)
  • Any type of fire (house, car)
  • Life-threatening situations (crimes)
  • SOS 112 website

Crisis and Help Lines

Note: there is no guarantee that English will be spoken by staff and volunteers manning the helplines listed below.

Service Telephone
Drug Abuse Support (Linha VIDA-SOS Drogas)
Mondays to Fridays 10:00-00:00
Tel: 1414
(Talk-Line 10:00-20:00; Saturdays 14:00-20:00)
Tel: 800 266 666
HIV/AIDS SOS-SIDA Tel: 800 201 040
Child Abuse: SOS Criança
SOS Criança

Criança Maltratada Line open 10:00-20:00
Tel: 800 202 651
Tel: 217 931 617
Tel: 213 433 333
Women Abuse (SOS Mulher) Commission for Equality & Women's Rights (Comissão para a Igualdade a para os Direitos das Mulheres) Tel: 800 202 148
: 239 832 073
Suicide/Crisis Line (SOS Voz Amiga) Tel: 800 202 669
Tel: 213 544 545
: 354 4545
Red Cross Ambulances (Ambulâncias) Tel: 219 421 111
Red Cross Hospitals (Hospitais) Tel: 217 714 000
Anti-Poison (Intoxicações) Tel: 808 250 143
Pharmacy/Chemist On Duty
Portuguese Anti-Alcohol Society: (Sociedade Anti-Alcoólica Portuguesa)
Line open Mondays to Fridays 09:30-18:00
Tel: 213 571 483
Alcoholics Anonymous: (Alcoólicos Anónimos) Tel: 217 162 969
Cancer Help Line: (Linha Contra o Cancro)
Line open Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00
Tel: 808 255 255
SOS Children: Child abuse (SOS - Criança)
Line open 09:30-18:30
Tel: 800 202 651
Tel: 217 931 617
Child Helpline: (Recados da Criança)
Line open Monday to Friday 09:30-17:30
Tel: 800 206 656
Disability Helpline: (Linha Directa Cidadão/Deficiência) Tel: 217 959 545
Drug Anon Portuguese Association for Drug Addicts Anonymous (Associação Portuguesa de Narcóticos Anónimos) Tel: 800 202 013
Elderly Helpline: (Linha do Cidadão Idoso)
Line open Monday to Friday 09:30-17:30
Tel: 800 203 531
Family Lines: (family problems/abuse) (Associação Portuguesa de Famílias Anónimas - APFA) Tel: 214 538 709
HIV/AIDS Support Group: (Abraço) Tel: 800 225 115
Pregnancy Helpline: (SOS-Grávida) Tel: 808 201 139
Tel: 213 862 020
Health 24 (24 hour public health assistance service): Tel: 808 24 24 24
Red Cross: Tel: 213 913 900
Sexuality Helpline: (Sexualidade em Linha Aconselhamento e Orientação) Tel: 808 222 003
Stop Smoking: (SOS-Deixar de Fumar)
Line open Monday to Friday 13:00-21:00
Tel: 808 208 888
Victim Support Line: (Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vitima)
Line open Monday to Friday 10:00-13-00, 14:00-17:30
Tel: 707 200 077
Women Abuse: Commission for Equality & Women's Rights (Comissão para a Igualdade a para os Direitos das Mulheres) Tel: 800 202 148
Nomor Kode Telepon Area Kota di Portugal (+351)
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